Thursday, December 31, 2009

Why Write?


Read the following quotation and write a 50-word response that shows you understand it and whether you agree or disagree with it.

"When students find their voice and understand the power and magic of words, they are capable of expressing a myriad of emotions: frustration, anger, sadness, joy, wonder, curiosity. Through writing, students allow teachers to gain insight into their lives and innermost thoughts. Through writing, students can also share their strongest memories, deepest fears, and hopes for the future. And in the classrooms where writing is shared, empathy, acceptance, and appreciation for others takes hold. The benefits go far beyond academics. When students find their voice, they can often discover more about themselves and the people around them."

by Sherry Posnick-Goodwin Published in California Educator.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Welcome CPELI Student Writers!

Hello student writers!

You are invited to go on a journey with this class. I will be your guide, and your fellow students will be your companions.

This blog is a place to publish your writing where it will be seen by others in your class. All students are expected to post their essays and journal entries to the blog, as well as to read other student blogs and comment on them.

Comment Guidelines
Before you can write a high quality comment on someone else's writing, you have to read it closely. Then, you should follow these rules:

  1. Let them know you appreciate the work they put into their writing.
  2. Pick something specific out of their writing and tell them how you related to it.
  3. Write from 25-50 words.
  4. Tell them, in a polite way, what details they might have added to make the post more interesting or to make their topic sentence and thesis support more effective.
  5. Enjoy the process!

Good luck and may your use of the English language improve!!