Monday, March 8, 2010

Women In Two Generations

Women in my generation are totally different from my grandmother’s generation. For the women, no doubt this is good news and it means we can live better and have more independence! They differ in terms of education, job and amount of time they spend on family.
In my grandmother’s generation, getting education depend on the area. For instance, in village, women couldn’t go to school because the villagers thought women should stayed at home to do housework. Just men could go to school to get education. So women didn’t have a chance to go school. However, in bid city, women could go to school. All rich people’s daughter could get education, but poor people had a right to go to school, but most didn’t have money. In my generation, no matter in village or city, we all must go to school because education is compulsory. Most women not only just finish compulsory education but also go to university to get higher level education.
After that, in my grandmother’s generation, some women don’t have job, and some women just could have part-time, lower salary and easy job, which was totally different from men. And they also had less job opportunity because lots of jobs ruled not allowed women do. But in my generation, almost all of us have full-time, high salary and all kinds of jobs, which is same as men. And we also have equal job opportunities, sexual discrimination is illegal in any places.
The amount of time and money they spend on family is different too. In my grandmother’s generation, ordinary or poor women spend all of their time on family, such as doing housework, cook and take care of children. However, rich women didn’t need to do that. They always go shopping mall, go theater and get friends together play mahjong. Women didn't have income or less income at that time, so just men invested money to support family. But in my generation, women spend some time or a little bit more time than men because most women have job that are simillar to men’s job. In addition, men and women all have to invest money for their family because family is two people’s responsibility, but maybe sometime men need invest more.
In conclusion, there are major deferences in the roles of the women in my grandmother’s generation and mine. I think men and women should be equal in this world; they have different roles which are both important. No one is more important than anyone else! So, in my opinion, I hope There are no sexual discrimination any more, and this situation can bring many benefits for women that could lead them on the equal and independent way.

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